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Port Lincoln Fire Station,
Port Lincoln

Developed from concepts of protection and human spirit

Port Lincoln Fire Station is one of 17 regional stations operated by the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS). The MFS commissioned the construction of a new station to provide a high-quality resource for training and housing fire-fighting crews and equipment for the major regional centre of Port Lincoln and surrounding rural communities of the lower Eyre Peninsula. Tectvs was engaged as the Architect to design a five-bay station and master plan for staging the development and allowing for future expansion. The MFS wanted the design to create a monumental presence for the fire-fighting service and selected a prominent site on the busy thoroughfare of St Andrews Terrace.

The concepts for the architecture were protection, and the human spirit affiliated with the fire-fighting services. Images of strength and durability translated into robust forms contrasted with refined elements and detailing. Tectvs represented protection by the stable building features driven into the ground, as well as the bunker-like sectioned walls surrounding the interior spaces. The human spirit was projected through the ebb and flow of light through a series of glass partitions; light entered the building throughout the day and, gently washed over the walls at night. A glass entrance was placed between two protective concrete fins, leading to a reception area lit by skylights. Vehicle entry and exit was defined by large openings to St Andrew’s Terrace, a colonnade of concrete panels set back from the main façade with the voids filled with lightweight translucent panels providing the contrast of the materials. A butterfly roof was placed above the colonnade glazing to create the impression the vast expanse of the roof was being held up by the glass.

Port Lincoln Fire Station: Welcome
Port Lincoln Fire Station: Gallery
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